In compliance with the provisions of Articles 6-III and 19 of Act No. 2004-575 dated 21 June 2004 for confidence in digital economy, referred to as LCEN, the users of the website are informed of the following legal notice.
ArdennPac’s website is accessible at: The access and use of the website are subject to the legal notice below as well as applicable law/regulations.
Logging on, using and accessing the website implies full and unreserved acceptance of all the provisions contained in this legal notice.
Website publisher:
ArdennPac (Siret (corporate ID number): 30520889400033)
Editorial Manager: Yoann Noulet
Parc d'activités Ardennes Emeraudes - Rue Maurice Périn - 08090 Tournes
Telephone : +33 (0)3 24 52 90 46
Email :
Graphics creation
Essence Rare
13 rue Hachette
08000 Charleville-Mézières (France)
Tel : +33 (0)3 24 33 24 33
Website :
Website development and hosting
Abdc Informatique
1 rue de la ruelle
08090 Evigny (France)
Tel : +33 (0)6 75 69 70 55
Website :
Photo credit (Fotolia)
Annibell82, Aukid,, Clemens Schüßler, Elgusser, Franz Massard, Joda, Metlion, Olivier Le Moal, Pict rider, Psdesign1, Refresh(PIX), Rzoog, Sea Wave, Carl Gustin
Conditions of use
The website, accessible via the URL: is operated in compliance with French law. The use of this website is governed by these general conditions. By using this website, you acknowledge having read and accepted these conditions, which may be amended by ArdennPac at any time, without prior notice.
ArdennPac shall not be held liable for an inappropriate use of the service in any manner whatsoever.
Limitation of liability
The information contained in this website is as accurate as possible and the website is periodically updated. However, the website may contain inaccuracies, omissions or defects. Should you find a defect, an error or anything you consider as a malfunction, please report it by email to
Any content shall be downloaded at the user’s risks and under his or her sole liability. Therefore, ArdennPac shall not be held liable for any damage occurring to the user’s computer or any data lost due to the downloading.
Photos are not contractually binding.
ArdennPac shall not be held liable for the hypertext links to other resources available on the Internet that are implemented within the framework of this website.
Intellectual property
The entire content of this website, including but not limited to: graphics, pictures, texts, videos, animations, sounds, logos, GIFs and icons as well as the formatting thereof shall be ArdennPac’s exclusive property, except the trademarks, logos or contents belonging to other partner companies or authors.
Any copy, distribution, modification, adaptation, re-transmission or publication of the whole or part of these various items is strictly prohibited, unless expressly approved by ArdennPac in writing. Such representation or copy, by any process whatsoever, shall be considered as an infringement punished by Articles L.3335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code. Failure to comply with this prohibition shall be considered as an infringement for which the infringing party may be held liable in civil and criminal proceedings. Furthermore, the owner of the copied Contents may institute a legal action against you.
Service conditions
This website is proposed in various web languages (HTML, HTML5, Javascript, CSS, etc.). For an improved comfort of use and enhanced graphics, we recommend using modern browsers such as Safari, Firefox, Chrome, etc.
ArdennPac makes its best endeavour to provide reliable information and to perform a reliable update of its websites. Nevertheless, errors or omissions may occur. Therefore, the user shall check the accuracy of such information with ArdennPac, and report any website modifications which he or she deems suitable. ArdennPac shall under no circumstances be liable for the use made of such information or of any direct or consequential loss likely to stem therefrom.
The website which you are visiting uses cookies (trackers). Thus, the website may access information already stored in your terminal electronic communication equipment and record information therein.
We use cookies in order to improve the use and functionality of our websites, and to better understand how users explore and use our website, in particular by memorising your browsing patterns created during your session and by establishing anonymous visiting statistics.
The cookies cannot technically be deactivated from the website. Nevertheless, you can object to the use of the cookies, only by parameterising your browser. Such parametrisation depends on the browser used by you but, usually, it is easily implemented. In principle, you can either activate a private browsing function or only prohibit or restrict cookies (trackers). Caution, some cookies may have been saved on your peripheral before the parametrisation of your browser. In this case, erase your browsing history, still using the parametrisation of your browser.
The use of cookies is governed by Article 32 II of Act No. 78-17 dated 6 January 1978, adapting Article 5.3 of Directive 2002/58/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 July 2002 amended by directive 2009/136/EC.
For more information about cookies and trackers, please refer to the website of the French Data Protection Authority (CNIL):
Hypertext links
ArdennPac websites may offer links to other websites or other resources available on the Internet.
ArdennPac has no means to control the websites related to its websites. ArdennPac does not ensure or guarantee the availability of such external websites and sources. ArdennPac may not be held liable for any damage of any kind whatsoever, resulting from the content of such external websites or sources, particularly the information, products or services proposed by them, or for any possible usage of these items. The risks related to such use shall be fully borne by the user who shall comply with the conditions of use thereof.
The ArdennPac website users, followers and visitors may not install a hyperlink to said website without ArdennPac’s express prior approval.
Should a user or visitor want to install a hyperlink to one of ArdennPac’s websites, the responsibility shall rest upon such user or visitor to send an email accessible on the website in order to express his or her request to install a hyperlink. ArdennPac reserves the right to accept or refuse a hyperlink without any obligation to substantiate its decision.
Precautions of use
Therefore, it falls upon you to take all the precautions of use necessary to make sure that what you decide to use is free from any errors or destructive items as such as viruses, Trojans, etc.
No guarantee is granted to the user who is obliged to clearly express his or her needs and has the duty to inform himself or herself. Should some information provided by ArdennPac be inaccurate, the user shall check the consistency or truthfulness of the results obtained by himself or herself. ArdennPac shall under no circumstances be held liable for the user’s use of the information contained in its products, including one of its websites, or the absence of such information, vis-à-vis third parties.